With significant change in my workplace, 2017 is doomed to be a tough year. As a matter of fact, a shrinking budget is our new year gift. We are adjusting to all the change and yet there is so much remaining uncertain, or even unknown. Work occupies a big part of my time, so I'm quite impatient right now.
Stability and security has become luxuries these days. It's fairly ironic that with so much effort we'd made, the consequences only turned out to be the opposite. Everything twisted in a way we disliked, as if mockery of our effort. The hidden agenda in every seemingly friendly meeting was that we accepted what we had, or else. It's not easy to find another endurable job, so we stay "humble, humble, and humble."
Only our ex-boss flew high. He leveraged our production for his own good. After he got the new job, he still tried to take advantage of us, which we had difficulty dodging, since our current boss befriended him. What the hell? Did these bosses form a bad boss club or something?
The only thing that comforts is that you know people suffer as you do. Hell, I hate the wound-licking, but this is what we do (a lot more often than usual) during the break and it's' actually good for the mental health. We beware of the danger of complaining, but I wonder how long we can keep sober.
Restless start. Bad sign for a new year. Anyway, facing the trouble is the way to conquer it. Farewell, relatively good old days.
2017年1月6日 星期五
張貼留言 (Atom)
愛情摩天輪Wonder Wheel
伍迪艾倫的電影,凱特溫絲蕾與 賈斯汀提姆布萊克 主演。背景設定在50年代的紐約康尼島樂園。這部片跟藍色茉莉很像,主角異常的神經質,並且有自毀傾向。心情如果不美麗就別看了,以免虐到自己。 結局一開始就決定了。吉妮(by 凱特溫絲蕾)向米奇(by 賈斯汀提姆布萊克 )道出:「我讓...
最近看了兩部日劇,剛好都是比較療癒風的小品。一是我的家裡空無一物,另一部是毛毯貓。 「我的家裡空無一物」是大概是消費與收納的反動。簡單說,沒有過多物品,就沒有收納的問題。那麼,怎樣才算過多呢?就是超過所需。那麼,如何把需求降到最低呢?……麻衣的生活大概就是這樣的一個辯證過程。...
看到現在第四集了,我已經越來越難說服自己,我看到的這團混亂只是戲劇剛開場時鋪線鋪得急了,過陣子就會好。聽說這一季也才十三集,亂到第四集也有點太久了。 我非常期待麻醉風暴2,因此也非常失望。這一季,麻醉風暴挾著得獎餘威而來,新加入的角色個個耀眼。我本來就很喜歡原班人馬,預告時又看到...